Types of Meetings

General Information

Our Presbytery Year runs from September through to and including June of the following year, however we do not hold Stated (Regular) meetings every month. We hold 6 Regular Meetings each year, held every second month starting in September, except for May and June.

Stated (Regular) Meetings

      • Sep.: 6:30 pm (at outgoing Moderator’ church), preceded by a meal at 5:30 pm*
      • Nov.: 6:30 pm (at a church who volunteers to host us), preceded by a meal at 5:30 pm*
      • Jan.: 6:30 pm (virtually via Zoom online)
      • Mar.:  6:30 pm (virtually via Zoom online)
      • May: 6:30 pm at Camp Kintail, preceded by a meal at 5:30 pm*
      • Jun.: 6:30 pm, preceded by a meal at 5:30 pm,
        alternating yearly between Huron Feathers and Stokes Bay*
    • Note:
      Due to ongoing concerns and Covid hesitancy, for the time being we are doing our best to conduct all of our in-person meetings (* above) both in-person and virtually over Zoom.

Special Meetings

As the name would suggest, each year the Moderator invariably calls additional “Special Meetings” to deal with business that needs to be dealt with earlier than waiting for the next Stated (Regular) Meeting.

These meetings are routinely called concerning non-emergent (non-emergency) matters, and are most often called to consider joyous occasions such as the installation of a new Minister into a congregation or multi-church pastoral charge. Sometimes they are called to consider a “Call” to member of the clergy situated outside our Presbytery, by a congregation seeking a new minister – or to consider a Call by a congregation outside our Presbytery to a minister within our Presbytery.

Other reasons Special Meetings might be called include:

    • Considering Special Reports from Committees
    • Ordinations of persons within our Presbytery, as Ministers of Word & Sacrament
    • Dealing with sad matters, including dissolutions of congregations and closings of churches

Emergent Meetings

Again, as the name implies, Emergent meeting are Special meetings called to deal with Emergent or Emergency matter, that need to be considered and addressed before the next Stated (Regular) meeting.