
Our ministry programs include:
Bible Study groups, meeting weekly, generally sessions are 6-8 weeks (temporarily on hold due to COVID).
Food drives for the local Food Bank, Operation Christmas Child by filling shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse, support for the Alzheimer’s Society, collection of used stamps for the Canadian Bible Society, cookies for shut-ins, and financial support to the Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D). The Women of Greenbrier send financial aid to missions annually, and donate to the Nova Vita women’s shelter. A favourite venture, “Teddies for Tragedy,” sends hundreds of teddy bears each autumn (all knitted by the women of the congregation & friends) to their annual tea party from which they go to children experiencing some form of trauma anywhere in the world.
Association with the Brant Christian Orchestra which performs & ministers to several area Senior’s Residences/Nursing Homes.