
Greenbrier Presbyterian Church put down roots on November 2, 1958. The first worship service was held at the old Dunsdon Legion Hall at the corner of Dunsdon and Bernard. The Presbytery of Paris had been looking at a new church extension in the rapidly growing north end of Brantford. A core group of families from Central Presbyterian Church were instrumental in forming the new congregation. Sunday, January 11th, 1959, the congregation of “Presbyterian Extension Brantford” was officially recognized by the Presbytery of Paris. There followed a reception of the first communion roll of 61 members. Some of our charter members are still in the congregation. On July 10th, 1960 the sod was turned for a building. The four sister Presbyterian Churches deposited a cup of soil taken from each of their church grounds. At the time, the comment was made, “They had more courage than common sense!” The cornerstone was laid in an outdoor service held on September 11, 1960. On November 25th, 1960 in an evening service, the new building was officially dedicated. On the tenth anniversary, the mortgage note was burned.

Typical activities at Greenbrier include a coffee fellowship hour following the morning service; a Tuesday afternoon seniors group meeting for cards and games. Through the year we celebrate several special occasions that are open to the public: Robbie Burns night, strawberry social, outdoor service & BBQ, spaghetti dinner, Fall Bazaar, Geranium Sale, annual card party, a ladies meeting with guest speakers the 4th Monday of the month and a monthly Men’s breakfast with guest speakers. Our active and enthusiastic choir practices weekly from September to June, providing anthems for the morning worship service, and special music for Easter and Christmas.
Those that play instruments are encouraged to participate in our music ministry.