
Kensington Church was established over a hundred years ago. Upon entering our church building you’ll experience our beautiful stained-glass windows. Sit in our comfortable pews and listen to the welcoming organ music or enjoy our upper balcony with a full view of the interior of the church.

Our church is wheel chair accessible, with ample room for wheelchairs. Bathroom facilities are available on the main level of the church. A recently installed platform lift provides access to the lower or upper levels. We have TV monitors, which are used during our worship services to project lyrics, prayers, responsive readings, etc.

Meet our Staff:

Minister: Rev. Torrey Griffiths joined our congregation in January 2017 directly out of seminary. Torrey is an inspiring preacher and passionate Bible study leader, whose leadership in prayer and weekly message is uplifting.

Secretary: Mrs. Betty Mann
Treasurer: Mrs.  Linda Durdle
Organist:  Mr. Ray MacLeod