Offerings during pandemic

Dear friends of Kitchener East Presbyterian Church:

It’s unprecedented times with the COVID-19 challenges currently. As previously communicated, the elders closed the Church on 16th March, which was then followed by the governmental requests for many places to close.

One point to consider with all the upheaval is the ongoing financial stewardship of KEPC. The Finance & Stewardship team is asking you to consider providing financial support in the interim via some alternative methods versus the weekly offering envelopes placed on the offering plates.  Here are some suggestions:

A straightforward option is to send your offering envelope in an envelope addressed to the Church in the mail whenever you wish, and the offering will be recorded and deposited similarly to the regular Sunday morning offering. An elder is checking the mail and the building regularly.

e–transfer allows for transferring money from your bank account to the Church bank account electronically. It involves using your online banking application using the e-transfer option & sending the transaction to the church email ID . You may need to set this process up on your on-line banking if you have not used this previously and it may involve a fee – you will need to confirm with your bank.

Another existing method is PAR, pre-authorized remittance. This is set up once and an amount is withdrawn from your bank account monthly until you choose to stop it or change the amount. This can be coordinated with Elsie Mason. If you are interested in this option, please let us know and we can email you or mail to you the PAR form that you would fill out and return to Elsie Mason, our envelope secretary, for it to be registered.

We appreciate your support of KEPC in these challenging times and, should you wish to consider and discuss one of these approaches, please feel free to speak with a member of the Finance & Stewardship team: Rob Gloin, Barb Cook, Emmie Richardson.  Thank-you for your ongoing and prayerful support of the life of our congregation.