Who We Are

Minister:  The Rev. Dr. Mark S. Richardson

Minister in Association:  The Rev. Jeff Smith

Music Director:  Sarah Pottier

At KEPC, we seek to welcome and embrace God’s people of all ages into a Worshipping Community of Faith, in which God is honoured and glorified, through prayer, praise and the relevant proclamation of God’s Word. 

We seek to encourage and foster a Community of Christian Fellowship in which the grace, love and forgiveness of Jesus abound in our lives, and where we are free to participate in the life and witness of the church, recognizing and respecting our God-given giftedness, our strengths and weaknesses.

We seek to grow as Disciples of Jesus whereby  we live by the love of God in a faith journey with the God Who never leaves us. Each one of us seeks to be a Servant who shares the love of Jesus with the people in our lives and around the world in ways that help meet their needs.