Outreach and Small Group Ministry

Welcome to Cape Breton. Please feel free to join us for a service. We are a community where we care for the people in the pews and the outside world.

Small Group Ministry

  • Bible Study once a week
  • Computer Class
  • Ladies Guild
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry supported by AMS
  • Youth Group – BYG and BYGT, SYG
  • Grief support Group
  • Baddeck and Area Mental Health Safe place
  • Movie nights
  • Men’s Fellowship breakfast
  • Sunday school

Bible Study

Each Tuesday  At 4pm – Knox Church Baddeck –

Computer class
Each Tuesday at 2:30 pm – all ages are welcome!

Ladies Guild

The Ladies’ Guild is an important part of our Church life.
The Guild coordinates refreshments for receptions after church services and other special occasions such as   funerals, weddings, and Presbytery meetings.  The Ladies Guild also is one of the many volunteers who clean the church.  Each year the  Guild also has silent auction and Christmas sale. The Ladies’ Guild gives members an opportunity to become better acquainted with others in the congregation. For further information please contact Norma Fletcher.



What is the AMS?

The Atlantic Mission Society began as a women’s organization, when the official role of women in the Church was severely limited – only men could be ministers and elders, and women were rarely put in other positions of authority.Women did, however, wish to contribute actively to the work of the Church, so in 1876 they formed the Halifax Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (Eastern Section). At the time, the Presbyterian Church in Canada had an eastern and a western mission board, and the Halifax society related to the eastern board.
In 1915, the name changed again, to the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (ED). The most recent change, in 1987, to the Atlantic Mission Society, The Presbyterian Church in Canada (AMS) reflects the Society’s welcoming of both men and women to membership. As The Presbyterian Church in Canada recognized in 1966 that there was no reason women should not be ordained as ministers and elders, so the Atlantic Mission Society recognized that its work was also of interest to both women and men.
While members of the Society tend to be older members of the congregations, the mission of the church requires – as it always has – energetic and enthusiastic participation.

What is a prayer shawl?

In 1998, Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo, two graduates of the 1997 Women’s Leadership Institute at The Hartford Seminary in Hartford, Connecticut gave birth to a ministry.  Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every stitch. The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Some recipients have continued the kindness by making a shawl and passing it onto someone in need. Thus, the blessing ripples from person-to-person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the unconditional embrace of a sheltering, mothering God! There is a message sent with each shawl.  It is prayer for the person that God gentle touch reach out to heal and this day for them.

Youth Group

We meet as a group on Monday afternoons at 330 to 5pm – Knox hall.  ages 5-12 . BYGT meets every Monday at 530 to 630pm – Knox Hall. Ages 12-16. SYG meets Sundays at 4-5pm -Knox Hall

Grief Support Group

We meet once a month – we are a support group. All are welcome

Baddeck and Area Mental Health Safe place

We are a grass roots organization comprised of volunteers believes those who suffered with mental illness need support.  We meet every Tuesday at 6pm

Movie Nights

Once a month we have a kids movie night and a family movie night – all are welcome. We have a ACF license to view movies.


Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast  is an organization of the church directed towards uplifting the spiritual needs of men. It encourages men to actively participate in the well-being, unity, and spiritual growth of the church. Meeting once a month –  first Saturday of the month at 8 am Knox Hall


What is One Room Sunday school?

Every week we have an exciting new adventure through the Bible in our Sunday School. One Room Sunday School is the program the church uses. Designed specifically for a children’s Christian education program where four or more age groups are taught in one classroom, One Room Sunday School includes materials that children ages 3 through middle school can study and learn together. Students will grow together through comprehensive Bible study, application of Bible lessons to everyday discipleship, and a variety of age-appropriate activities.


Links for children

Canada Youth
Photos, video and news on the national Presbyterian youth conference that happens every three years at Brock University.

Bright light Games



CBH Fun for kids


Minister = Rev Brian D. MacLeod, email at  briandmacleod @hotmail.com
Contact number 902-295-1522
Clerk of session Knox- Shane MacFarlane
Clerk of session Ephraim Scott- Mary MacLeod
39 Grant Street
Baddeck, NS
B0E 1B0
Mailing Address:
Box 184, Grant St.
Baddeck, NS
B0E 1B0
Phone: 902-295-1522
Ephriam Scott Memorial, St. Ann’s

8 South Haven Loop
South Haven, NS
B0E 1B0
Mailing Address:
Box 184
Baddeck, NS