Support for Your Church Thank you to all who continue to support Knox Church. You can make a donation to the church by mail to 223 Lock St. W. Dunnville N1A 1V3, or by dropping off in the mailbox by the church office door.

Consider using PAR (Pre- Authorized Remittance). PAR is a way of contributing to the life and work of the church automatically without the hassle of having to write and send cheques or cash. You decide how much you would like to contribute monthly to your church, and PAR transfers that amount from your bank to the church account automatically once each month. It works the same way as many people choose to pay for their hydro or water or gas bill. You can change the amount of your donation or cancel your donation completely any time. It makes donating easier for you, and it provides a steady stream of income to the church for its important work, whether or not the church is open on Sundays. Contact church treasurer, Barb Jones, if you have questions or would like to sign up for PAR (see Contact Us page)

PAR Info and Form

If you wish to donate to the Cornerstone Ministry, please remember to make out your cheque to “Knox Church” and then designate it for Cornerstone. Cheques made out to Cornerstone directly cannot be cashed.

Filled with the love of Christ; reaching out to the community & the world