About Us

Knox Community of Faith

Lasagna takeout dinner prep – delicious! Thank you to our amazing volunteers!

Celebrating 188 years of a Presbyterian presence in Dunnville

We are an amazingly friendly, welcoming, open, inclusive, LGBTQ+ affirming, and supportive community of faith. We do our best to learn from and follow the example of Jesus as He broke down barriers between people to welcome the stranger, bless the lowly, heal the wounded, and empower the called. We care about our local community and our world in tangible ways that employ our gifts and talents in serving others. We eagerly invite others to share in our hope and joy in Christ without any discrimination, judgment, or pressure. We pray that you see the love of Christ in us – reaching out to you!

The Church is Christ together with his people. These words from Living Faith remind us that the church is not a building but a people. The building is where the church worships. Let us continue to build a church without boundaries; a church that welcomes and includes all people; a church that proclaims the love of God as we see it in the life of Jesus the Christ.  _________________________________________________


Refugee Families Update  Hello friends,  I have been informed that the Yaaqob family: Father Hozan, mother Jihan and daughters Jana now 8 years old, Mansa now 4 years old, have received their “G#”! They are officially on the Government list! Now the process can begin… this may take up to 26 months until they arrive, or they could come next month! The Alsulaiman family: Father Brosik, Mother Nessrin and son Ibrahim, have not yet been approved so it would be lovely to keep them in our prayers as they wait for some good news.    Blessings. Sue Smith

If you are interested in contributing to the refugee sponsorship please contact Barb at the office and she will assist you. 

Our Refugee Families’ Stories  The Alsulaiman Family   This young family is currently living in Iraq, in the city of Dohuk, Kurdistan, having fled from Syria separately.

Brosik is 37 yrs old. He was living in Damascus in 2012 when the war started and went back to his hometown in Qamishil, close to the Turkish border, until 2013 when the situation became worse. He crossed the border between Syria and Kurdistan by walking for 4 hours with a huge crowd of other Syrian people seeking safety and refugee status. The Kurdish forces welcomed them and took them to the refugee camp at Dohuk, Kurdistan. He has worked in a restaurant as an administrator.

Nessrin, 32, is the sister of Najat Adam (Najat is presently living in Dunnville after being sponsored by South Cayuga Community Church). Nessrin decided in 2018 to find a way to join her fiancé, Brosik, in the refugee camp in Kurdistan. She crossed by boat with a group of other Syrians seeking escape from the war and frightening living conditions and was able to join Brosik. They were married in March, 2018. She is a trained hairdresser and has taken basic nursing courses.  Their son, Ibrahim, was born May 7, 2020 in the refugee camp in Dohuk, Kurdistan.

We have been asked as a project for their first year here, to provide clothing for this sweet boy. New or gently used clothing that you would provide for your own family would be gratefully received.

The Yaaqob Family   Introducing you to the Yaaqob Family, the second family being sponsored by churches in the area!

Hozan is 35 yrs old and was born in Al-Jawediyah, Syria. He completed 2 yrs of compulsory military service from 2005-2007. When he and his wife Jihan wanted to start a family they decided that they had to escape to safer territory. He was to be re-conscripted, so they fled on foot in July 2011 to Qamishli, northern Syria. Conditions deteriorated there and he fled, alone to Zaxo, Iraq. He trained as a barber and works long hours doing whatever he can to support his family. He speaks Kurdish and understands some English.

Jihan is 35 yrs old and was also  born in Al-Jawediyah, Syria. Jihan is the sister of Sulaiman Adam (Sulaiman is presently living in Dunnville after being sponsored by South Cayuga Community Church). Jihan attended Agriculture College and graduated with a Trade/Apprenticeship diploma. She aspires to be a teacher and speaks Kurdish and some English. Jihan went with her husband Hozan to Qamishli and when he left on foot for Iraq, she followed with their 2 children later. Their daughter Jana is 8 yrs old. She has been in school on and off for 2 yrs.  and speaks Kurdish. Their daughter Mansa is 4 yrs old and speaks Kurdish.

Such courage and strength! Let us give these families hope.

Support for your church Thank you so very much for those who continue to support Knox Church. You can make a donation to your church by mail to: 223 Lock St. W. Dunnville, N1A 1V3. Pre-authorized donations and e-transfers are other methods available to you to support Knox Church. Please speak to our church treasurer – Barb Jones 905-835-6969 – for more information. (Please remember that if you wish to donate to the Cornerstone Ministry, make out your cheque to “Knox Church” and then designate it to Cornerstone. Cheques made out to Cornerstone directly cannot be cashed.)


The Presbyterian Church in Canada 

 The PCC – Who We Are

In June, 2021, the 146th General Assembly of Canada passed Remits B and C with an almost 2 to 1 margin making into church law two specific aspects concerning LGBTQI people. Remit B adds a phrase “or between two adults” to the definition of marriage as between a male and a female. The passage of the Remit C now makes into the law of the church that LGBTQI people can be elected and ordained as both teaching and ruling elders in The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Filled with the love of Christ; reaching out to the community & the world