Our Vision Teams

We have four teams in our congregation who are actively working to put our vision into action. We are also happy to welcome newcomers to our teams of Worship, Community Outreach, Care and Compassion (Pastoral Care), and, Mission. For more information, please contact the team convener!

Our Worship Team – Anne MacKay – Convener                  (519) 475-4664

Goal –    Worship will be joyful – meeting the physical and spiritual needs of members and newcomers.

Our Worship team is very active, and has great enthusiasm for the tasks it has taken on.

What we’re working on now:

Anniversary Service is being planned for the fall of 2018, featuring  special music and meal.

Christ Candle and Affirming God’s Family received positive feedback, and will be continued to be a part of our worship.

Creating a photo directory (in cooperation with the Care and Compassion team) to help people get to know one another better.

Worship Readers and Greeters – we’ll be providing ongoing training for new worship readers – especially our young people; and creating a Greeters manual to assist ushers to welcome newcomers.

Our Community Outreach Team – Pat Meadows -Convener  (519) 475-4200

What is our Community Outreach Team working on?
Goal – – Community Outreach will address specific needs in the community and promote the congregation in the region.

Our Community Outreach team is strongly focused on raising the congregation’s profile within the wider community.

What we’re working on now:
1. The team is striving to create connection with places like Lakeside and Happy Hills to promote our Vacation Bible Camp each summer

2. We are seeking to build an effective network with area churches and organizations to promote communication of our congregational ministries, and to work together with other groups on their complimentary activities.

We’re seeking to build connections with:
• Brooksdale United Church
• The Women’s Institute
• Harrington Community Club
• Lakeside Campground
• Happy Hills
We welcome the input and guidance of congregational members who might be connected to these or other groups.

3. We have set up our congregation’s Facebook page.

Our Care and Compassion Team – Nancy Lupton Convener        (519) 271-2739

What is our Care and Compassion Team working on?

Goal – Care and Compassion will seek to enhance ministries of compassion in both congregation and community.

The team’s purpose is to provide caring support to members of our congregation who are in need – especially those who are ill, in hospital, and in nursing homes.

What we’re working on now:

  • Creation of a church directory for members/adherents, to aid communication and assist in the delivery of compassion support to one another.
  • Discussion on how the team can provide care and support during times of crisis in people’s lives.
  • Exploring strategies for extending our compassionate ministry into the wider community.
  • Creating a training plan for our visitors and caregivers who want to enhance their skills and abilities.

If you know of anyone in the congregation or community who may benefit from The Care and Compassion Team’s visiting ministry, please speak to Rev. Carol  or to Nancy Lupton.

And we welcome hearing from anyone who is interested in hearing more about being a visitor for the team.

Our Mission Team – Elaine Thomson – Convener                (519) 271-4499

Goal – Mission will explore effective ways to meet the needs of people at regional and global levels.

Our Mission Team will:

  • Explore and expand mission opportunities for the congregation
  • Identify mission education projects to assist the congregation to grow in awareness of local and global mission opportunities.
    • Our primary initial goal is raising awareness of the challenges confronting Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and how we as a congregation might be a compassionate, and educated support in Native Ministries.
  • Work with the Community Outreach Team to identify local/regional mission opportunities that might involve the wider community.



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