The Lady of the Shawls – A Tribute to our Prayer Shawl Chain

This song was written by our own Calum MacRitchie as a loving tribute to the ladies who form the Prayer Shawl Chain. Organist Michael Morgan arranged a traditional tune for it. After several practices, On Sunday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day), the ladies wore red and sang this as an anthem. A true tribute to the love the ladies put into their work to produce these warm shawls.

The Lady of the Shawls

In the warm glow of her kindly spirit,

In the hush of the evening, quietly sitting,

Casting, stitching, binding and knitting,

the Lady of the Shawls.

With garter stitch, chain, and yarn over needle,

As her heart desires, her hands deliver,

Blessed at the table before it is given,

the Lady of the Shawls

Her mind may rove to where it will finish,

In humble cottage, mansion or villa,

Spanning the oceans, mountains and rivers

the Lady of the Shawls

Tenderly sharing her grace and her vision,

To honour her Saviour’s glorious mission,

Adorning her faith with the joy of giving

the Lady of the Shawls

In the warm glow of her kindly spirit

In the hush of the evening quietly sitting

Casting, stitching, binding and knitting

the Lady of the Shawls