
Wednesday, Dec 21st at 7 p.m.“The Longest Night” Service

Sometimes Christmas doesn’t feel very “Merry…” especially for those who have lost a loved one, those who feel unable to enter into festivities which are meaningless to them, and those who seek a quiet and thoughtful approach to Christmas. Join us on Dec 21st and spend time in quiet reflection, seeking reassurance in the source of our hope, Jesus Christ The Light of the World.

-Volunteers are needed to do readings at the Dec 21 Longest Night service, and the Dec 24 Christmas Eve service. If you would be willing, please contact the Minister or sign the list at the back, or leave your name at the church office.

The new 2012 Church Envelopes are available at the back. Please pick yours up, if you are an envelope contributor. If you have not had envelopes before but would like to have them, please speak to Elaine, the Treasurer, or drop a note in the offering plate.

-For your convenience – if needed – there are small packages of tissues available from the table at the back, please take one.

Mission: Our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing help support Linda Inglis as she helps the Blantyre Synod in Malawi welcome visitors from around the world. Working with the Synod’s General Secretary and various committees, Linda helps plan programs that engage people in the Synod’s mission work. Linda sees how mission visits “help people to witness the wonderful faith and joy of Christians in Malawi and awaken them to the realities faced by everyday people in one of the world’s poorest countries.”

Let us pray for Linda and the Blantyre Synod as they engage people in Christ’s mission.

-The Newsletter from the Cariboo Presbyterian Church is posted on the bulletin board in the breezeway. Some funds from our “Nov Days” events this year were given to the Cariboo Ministry. Dave and Linda Webber, and Jon and Shannon Wyminga continue to minister to the people of the Cariboo.

Annual Reports! A reminder to all groups and committees of the church, to prepare their annual reports. If you find some spare time over the holidays, please prepare your report. They are due in the office by January 8th.

-The church address lists are being updated. If you have changed your mailing address, telephone number, or your e-mail address recently, please give the information to the office. Are you on our church e-mail list? Send your address to


-Janirsat and her family have a new home. After losing her house, cows and goats during Pakistan’s floods; Janirsat was empty handed and hopeless. With the help of PWS&D and other members of the ACT Alliance, Janirsat’s family received a tent, as well as construction materials, to help them rebuild their home. They moved into the new, three room concrete house just as winter settled in. Janirsat and her family are all extremely grateful for the help they received. This Advent Season you can help turn hopes for shelter, food and healthcare into reality for people affected by floods and other disasters –

-The Salvation Army are in desperate need of “Kettle Volunteers” to help man the kettles until Dec 24th. Some are indoors and if you bring a chair you can sit down. Could you spare a couple of hours or more to help with this task? If you can help or want more information, you can contact John at 250 723-6913.


Christmas Services

Wednesday, Dec 21 7:00 p.m. The Longest Night Service

Saturday, Dec 24 8:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship

Lessons and Carols

Sunday, Dec 25 10:30 a.m. Christmas Day

Worship Service

Come Celebrate Jesus Birth!

The Reason for the Season”


-The offering in the special ‘Christmas envelopes’ this year will be given to the Iausalok Memorial Church on the Island of Tanna in Vanuatu to assist in their building fund for a new Presbyterian church. Our prayers for the people go along with these gifts.

Note: On Sunday, January 29 following worship, the Wilson’s will show us pictures and share about their time in Vanuatu.

New Year’s Day, Sunday, Jan 1st Worship Service at 10:30 a.m.