
The welcome sign at Knox Burgoyne!

The congregation was established in 1862, and our present building dates from 1869, built with the resources of rural people of the time. Six generations of members and adherents have attended services in the present church building.

Knox Burgoyne is our second church name. The first was West Arran and Saugeen until 1909. We became Knox Burgoyne in 1954. Knox Burgoyne was affiliated with Dunblane, which ceased to be an active church in 1968. Knox then joined a two-point charge with Tolmie Memorial Presbyterian Church in Port Elgin and there have been many changes since. We have seen three organs, five major building renovations, and wonderful restorations.
The inside of the Knox Burgoyne Church featuring our choir!

Thousands of services and celebrations have echoed in the halls. We enjoy traditional church music and are learning many new hymns. Knox Burgoyne has Sunday School, the Women’s Missionary Society, the Burgoyne Church Women’s Group, and a choir that always welcomes new members!




“We just love her!” was an emotion expressed by one parishioner recently and the feeling has been demonstrably mutual.

Rev. Deborah (Deb) M.K. Stanbury, B.A., M.Div, Th.M, was inducted to the two-point pastoral charge of Knox Burgoyne and Tolmie Port Elgin in November of 2022. Rev. Deb has a love for all God’s beloved ones that inspires her to reach out with inclusive embrace and a commitment towards social justice in particular. As a minister in The Presbyterian Church in Canada, she has been engaged in ministry with street-involved youth and individuals in the sex trade since 2007.

She grew up in Richmond Hill, attending Sunday School and Youth Group at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Deb studied Religion and Culture at Wilfred Laurier University (B.A., 2005). Desiring an ecumenical learning environment, strong Hebrew Bible teaching, and a passion for social justice, Deb was led to the Vancouver School of Theology (M.Div. 2008). While at Vancouver School of Theology, she was active on the Student’s Association, served on the St. Andrew’s Hall Board, was a student representative to the General Assembly, and was a Residence Life chaplain for St. Andrew’s Hall. Before graduating from Vancouver School of Theology, Deb served as a drop-in worker at Yonge Street Mission’s Evergreen Centre for Street Youth. In 2012, Deb began studies at Knox College in the area of pastoral theology (Th.M. 2016). Her Master of Theology is in Pastoral Theology and her thesis was titled “A Pastoral Approach to Juvenile Prostitution in Canada.”

Rev. Deb at Pentecost Bonfire
A picture of Rev. Deb at our Pentecost Bonfire

Deb has served the wider church in various ways, in her own Presbytery as an Interim Moderator, member of the Business Committee, and committee convenor. She has served as a preacher and chaplain at the General Assembly and cares deeply about connecting the local congregation to the wider church. Deb has represented the denomination on various committees.

Rev. Deb loves her dog Poppins and the precious ones who call her “Auntie”. She enjoys painting, quilting, and journaling in mixed media. She likes being outdoors and relaxing on the water, rafting through the Grand Canyon is her dream. Eggs upset her stomach, cheese is lovely, and a cup of tea makes anything a little bit better!