
Christmas Play
Our children minister to us with a Christmas play.

Our worship services are informal and joyful. There is no dress code, but worship services are special occasions to us. If you like wearing a suit and tie to special occasions, go right ahead. If you’re a jeans and T-shirt person, that’s great. If you only ever wear shorts, God is probably used to seeing you like that and we’re sure he won’t mind – just wear your best shorts!

Our worship services usually start with a word of welcome and some announcements. Then we would have a Call to Worship – simply an invitation to spend some time focused on God’s presence with us.  From there – our services involve readings from the Bible, teaching and also singing (with gusto!). You’ll experience songs and traditions that have been edifying Christians for many centuries. You’ll also experience some fresh current day expressions of the Christian faith.  If you’re worried about not knowing what to do, most of us have no idea what’s coming next either!  Just watch us and follow along as you feel comfortable or sit back quietly and take it all in.

Faith or no faith; skeptical or interested; ‘quiet-in-the-corner’ or ‘always-putting-yourself-out-there’ – you are welcome here.  We hope you’ll experience the peace of Christ and the presence of God as you worship with us.