
Regular Giving

Like the other charities you give to, Enduring Mission invites donations to sustain and grow our life and work. To honour others, to celebrate milestone events, or in thanksgiving for God’s goodness, individuals or groups can give at any time to Knox Presbyterian Church – Enduring Mission and receive a tax receipt.

Numbered envelopes are issued upon request to donate weekly and to spontaneous church activities and projects. Donations are tracked and a tax receipt is issued at the year-end to the envelope owner.

Giving Options

Bank E-transfer

Please send e-transfers to

Mail offering envelopes/cheques via Canada Post

Knox Presbyterian Church
Box 235,
Mitchell, ON  N0K 1N0

Fundscrip Fundraising -> Click Here for more Information
Click here to Join our Campaign

If you have any questions about any of these options, please contact Shelly or leave a message at 519-348-9080 for a call back.