
Around 1800 a Pennsylvania Minister came to the area to form a Presbyterian church. New Presbyterian congregations were formed in the surrounding areas by the 1850’s. Presbyterians in Preston held their first evening worship services at 565 Duke St. until October 4th, 1883. Worship services were then held in the home of Mr. J.D. Webster where the T.D. Bank now stands.
On April 5, 1891 the first worship service of Knox Presbyterian Church, Preston was held at 653 King Street. In 1892 permission was given to use the Preston Town Hall for services. On July 16th, 1893 the first worship service was held in the first Knox Presbyterian Church building located at 653 King Street.
As the congregation grew it became apparent that a larger church would be needed. Property was purchased, the sod was turned, and on March 27th, 1965 the new church was dedicated and opened for worship. Due to the amalgamation of Preston, Hespler and Galt to form the new city of Cambridge, Knox Presbyterian Church changed it’s name to Knox Preston Presbyterian Church.
Knox Preston Presbyterian Church continues its work in the community and the world through the efforts of dedicated members. The future lays before us and as God directs so we will go.
We would like you to become a part of our history. Please join us for worship when you can. We look forward to meeting you soon.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call us at (519) 653-6691
or email us at knoxpreston@golden.net