
Livingstone started as a Scotish congregation, until over two decades ago when it changed to a more diversed congregation.  We are blessed with people of various nationalities and cultures.

Livingstone congregation had provided a once per month dinner for 17 years to the community of Park Ex. Recently it has been changed to a once per week (Tuesdays)lunch. Along with that we also have a food bank for the poor and needy.

The congregation served under the leadership of the Rev. Peter Szabo for over 30 years. Over a year ago he resigned and the congregation is now under the leaderhsip of the Rev. Sybil Mosley. The congregation has a lively youth group from 10-15 members meeting once per month, ranging from 10-17 years.

While Livingstone is an English congregation, there are three other Christian congregations that use its building: The Hungarians service at 9:30; the Greeks at 5:00 p.m. and the Urdu’s group meets at 5:00p.m. in the hall.

Statement of Faith

The Bible has been given to us by the inspiration of God to be the rule of faith and life. Through the Scriptures the church is bound only to Jesus Christ its King and Head.

Therefore, with the one church universal we believe in one God, eternal Trinity,Father, Son and Holy Spirit,three in one,one in three,equal in power and glory. God is the Father to whom we come, the Son through whom we come,the Spirit by whom we come.  (Living Faith)