

Lucknow Presbyterian150letter

Lucknow Presbyterian Church will be celebrating 150 years on May 28, 2023

Guest anniversary minister,

The Rev. Theresa McDonald-Lee,
co director of Camp Kintail

Special music by Kingsbridge Quartet

Worship service is at 11 a.m.

Luncheon will be served in the Gathering Hall following the service.

Everyone Welcome.

A 2022 IM Report:

Interim Moderator’s Report – Lucknow and South Kinloss PCs


A letter to the congregation from Rev. Ed Hoekstra, 13.Nov.2021

Interim Moderator’s letter to the congregation

“God’s Cathedral”
September 2021
Psalm 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
Autumn is a wonderful season of the year.  Unlike other parts of our country and in the world, we have had a good summer with adequate rain and warmth for our crops and gardens. Though we have had some serious weather lately which has caused damage in this early part of September, we can look forward to the beautiful time of fall.
It is so relaxing and a joyful experience to be outdoors with one another. As you walk outside, you could say that you are in God’s cathedral! The beautiful trees, the fall colours starting to show their beauty, the smells – all add to the worship experience we have in God’s wonderful creation. Whenever my wife Jackie and I go walking along the road, or riding our bikes, we comment on the beauty of the trees; the smells; the sun pouring in and the wonderful shadows it causes in the latter part of the day.
You may be carrying heavy burdens; dealing with health issues or feeling down and you are distracted away from the beauty all around you.  At times like this, we need someone to share the beauty with us about God’s creation! Though we may not feel like praising, a conversation about the gift of God’s creation, temporarily puts our minds off of the things that are bothering
us (if only for a short while) and on to God. God is the creator who loves you so much that he sent Jesus Christ to show you the way to live, to provide you with healing through the Holy Spirit and to be your Saviour!  Let’s make it a habit to talk with one another about the joy we experience in God and in God’s awesome Creation. What did you see today in God’s beautiful Cathedral?
We welcome you to Lucknow Presbyterian Church! We are a warm, welcoming congregation. If you are searching for a church home, you are encouraged to come and worship with us and become part of our church family. We are engaged in various ministries in and outside of the congregation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.  God Bless you.

Peace and Joy in Christ.
Rev. Ed Hoekstra