
Mill Woods Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC). We are 1 of 13 PCC congregations in the Edmonton and Northern Alberta region.

Made up of people of all ages, and families of all configurations, MWPC values the connection that we have to each other and to the community around us. Our response to the goodness of God and the grace of Jesus in our lives is to be a community of worship, fellowship, support, and openness to all people.

Presbyterian Tradition:
Presbyterians hold up the sovereignty of God. Worship of God is at the heart of our tradition. We emphasize the fullness of God in the Trinity and know that God is present with us now and active in our lives.

Presbyterians are known as “people of the word.” All of us are encouraged to read and study scripture. The Holy Spirit helps us understand scripture in our study and in our worship.

Presbyterians believe that the church is the Holy Community. We cannot be a faithful Christian on our own. We have a relationship with God and with the others in the community. When we gather to worship, serve, study and in fellowship, we are the body of Christ.

Presbyterians get their name from the Greek New Testament word “presbuteros” meaning “elder.” We organize our church by electing wise and faithful members of the congregation and ordaining them for service as elders.