
As people of God, we are called and equipped to work in the world around us. Through Presbyterian Sharing we support the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ in our city, country and around the world.

Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) responds to the urgent appeals to help victims of natural disasters around the world such as floods, hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, tsunami, famine, earth quakes. PWS&D also undertakes development work for ongoing self-sufficiently such as digging wells, agricultural education, maternal health and orphans. The most recent appeal has been in response to Cyclone Idai in for Malawi and the congregation raised $3,462.

Community Support
Mill Woods Presbyterian Church is pleased to support many local charities and organizations in our community with financial donations and volunteers.

We collect food for the Edmonton Food Bank(https://www.edmontonsfoodbank.com/) and encourage donations every Sunday and deliver them to the food bank depot. Last Autumn, the children raised $479 for the Food Bank in their “noisy offering.”

At Christmas the congregation donated knitted goods for the Mitten Tree and Coats for Kids.

The congregation supports Youth Empowerment and Support Services(https://yess.org/), the Neighbour Centre/Mustard Seed in Old Strathcona(https://theseed.ca/edmonton-neighbour-centre/), E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation)(https://e4calberta.org/) and the Gray House Guild(https://www.allengray.ab.ca/the-gray-house-guild).

The Ladies Guild support the PWS&D Gifts for Change, the Bible Society, Operation Friendship, Hope Mission, Edmonton Food Bank and support camperships for Camp Kannawin.

The church is pleased to offer the facilities to the local Brownies, Girl Guides and Pathfinders groups.

Opportunities to serve
The church is the people and God has given each one talents and gifts to contribute to the building up of the body of Christ. There are many ways to get involved in our community as an expression of our discipleship.

Volunteers take on many roles in the church, helping to maintain the facilities, planning and supporting programs.

    • There is a family congregational clean-up day each spring when we all work together.
    • There are one-time volunteer opportunities to support fellowship events by setting up, working in the kitchen, helping with children’s programs, decorating or participating in worship leadership.
    • There are volunteer teachers and helpers for Sunday School and Summer Kids Kamp.
    • Teams and Committees take leadership in various ministries such as worship, mission, pastoral care.
    • The Session of Elders who are elected by the congregation to discern God’s direction, give spiritual leadership and provide pastoral care.
    • The Board of Managers care for our building, property and administer finances.