The girls choir in the seminary chapel

The girls choir in the seminary chapel

Karikas Orsolya is a second year theological student at the Theological Seminary of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Romania, and a member of the school’s girls’ choir.

She shares, “I am happy that I am one of the members of the girls’ choir. It is special that in this choir there are only girls. It is a very good program for me. I think in this choir there are nice voices and we work very well together.

I think it is a hobby for me, because I like singing. In this choir we can develop, we can learn beautiful songs. Through the singing we can express our feelings. Because of these things the girls’ choir is important for me personally. Besides this I like practices and performances. In my opinion rehearsal times pass in a good and pleasant atmosphere. Sometimes it is necessary to miss some practices, but despite this we all take the choir seriously. Another thing that is important for me in the girls’ choir is that everybody has the same importance and is treated with equal respect.

I think we have developed a lot from beginning. More and more practices have made it possible for us to produce a good show.

I like singing here. I like that we also learn religious songs, in which we can glorify God who has given us all individual gifts.”

Without music life would be a mistake. (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)


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