Visitors from Canada

Visitors from CanadaSaturday June 1st was a very special day for my students.

We had 13 visitors from Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, Ontario, and I asked them to participate in a special meeting with the students. Each of the Knox members was asked to state their various professions and the special gifts that they have which contributes to Knox Church. Then I broke them into groups of either two or three and my students had to talk about their various passions and gifts and how they can be used in their future work as pastors.

The results were good, particularly in their attentive listening to each Canadian’s testimony.

One student thanked the Canadians for this special opportunity: “For a long time we have heard about our many Canadian Presbyterian supporters and finally we are meeting them face to face.”

May God continue to bless the ongoing connection with our Canadian brothers and sisters.


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