Peaceful End to Students’ Occupation of Legislative Yuan

On Thursday April 10, the several hundred university students who had taken over Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan and occupied it for 24 days left the building peacefully. (For more details please see:

One of their principal demands was partly achieved through a promise from the Speaker of the Legislative Yuan “to adopt legislation to monitor cross-strait agreements before reviewing the cross-strait service trade agreement.” Student leaders plan to continue strengthening Taiwan’s young democracy by traveling around the island and connecting in person with the 500,000 citizens who demonstrated on March 30 in support of their protest against the KMT government’s lack of transparency in its Trade and Services Pact with China.

For more news on the students’ historic protest (Mar 18-Apr 10, 2014) and the Presbyterian Church’s responses to it, you can visit “Taiwan Church News” at the PCT’s official website: .


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