…So what exactly are you doing there

BeachFinally I have answer! I have finished my first full week of work and I think I am going to love this job! I have now learned that I am mostly going to be working in the Monitoring & Evaluation department of LISAP. After a project has been implemented it needs to be evaluated to determine the effectiveness, identify challenges and make recommendations for the continuation of the project. Depending on the size of the project, this can be done internally – that’s where I come in!

Last week we were evaluating the implementation of self-help groups within villages in northern Malawi. Groups of women are trained for 5 days on group savings and loans, entrepreneurship and eventually agricultural and advocacy skills. They then establish a group fund that each member contributes a small amount to weekly. This creates a loan fund where the women can borrow money to begin small businesses. These groups have only been in action for a couple months so there isn’t massive changes yet but it was really wonderful to hear stories from women who have seen a positive impact in their lives, such as feeling economically empowered or food secure, because of these groups. And by “hear stories” I mean have them translated for me.

Have I mentioned that I don’t pick up languages very well? Unfortunately for me, most of the people in the villages do not speak English and my Tumbuka knowledge ends at greeting someone and saying thank you – so then I stand, nod and smile. Luckily my coworker translated everything the women said during our focus groups. Now that I’m back in the office I’ve been writing the evaluation report and started developing the tools for our next focus group, I can’t wait to continue with this job!

And just to top it off – here is a view from the lodge we were staying at for our field work. I think I’m going to like it here.


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