Reflections on Malawi

Isn’t it amazing how we notice, really notice, our surroundings when things are unfamiliar?

This is our third week in Malawi, Africa. Although we lived here 8 years ago, it’s long enough that everything seems new again. Our three children started school yesterday and so I’ve had some space, and time, to reflect on our new life here. Upon spending a few moments in prayer, I was surprised to realize what I am thankful for this morning: I’m really enjoying our new surroundings, and God’s amazing creation.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, and yet it is rich in natural beauty. Because it is relatively undeveloped, there is a noticeable absence of hard city surfaces – pavement, glass and concrete. Many roads and walkways are grassy winding paths. The soil is a rich reddish colour and almost all the houses – made from bricks of the same soil – are the same shade of red. Although it is the dry season and the vegetation is quite parched, there is still evidence of the sub-tropical climate – palm trees, tall bamboo stalks, violet jacarandas and intense pops of colour on flowers of all variety. High rolling hills and plateaus cover much of the country in stunning vistas. All imbued in warmth by the large, red African sun.

Through my new visitor eyes, I’m taking in the rich, earthy landscape and feeling rested.

In our backyard, I have enjoyed watching the birds. Apparently Malawi has over 600 species, many of which are rarely spotted elsewhere in Southern Africa. There is a pair of bright yellow birds that I haven’t yet figured out (I certainly don’t claim to be an ornithologist of any variety!!), and a mongoose – a weasel-like creature that has appeared daily, poking in and out of holes in the bushes.

We were fortunate this past weekend to take our children (ages 10, 8 and 6) to a small safari park, just outside of Blantyre, where we saw zebras, giraffes, sable, eland, duiker and waterbuck – most of which have been reintroduced to Malawi in the past three years.

Reflecting on my many blessings this morning, I find I am thankful to God for the wonder of His creation: the warm sun on rolling hills, the exotic African wildlife – even the little yellow birds in my backyard.

Small things, but seen through the lens of a visitor to this country, I appreciate the beauty and marvel at the greatness of our God.

“And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky…(and) Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1: 20-25

-Rebecca Sherbino


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