English language program continuing well

The English language program in our institute is continuing well. This year we welcomed 20 new students and there is a much higher ratio of women.

In their first two years, students are required to study a foreign language, either English or German. The majority select English but there are some who manage to study both simultaneously. Our students have a wide range of abilities. I am very fortunate to have two excellent student assistants – Kovacs Zsuzsa from the third year and Gal Adel from the fourth year. Zsuzsa and Adel are able to help any students who are struggling.

Many of my advanced students serve as guides/translators when we have English-speaking visitors. Zsuzsa met with the PCC delegation when they visited us in September. There are opportunities for students to participate in a summer English camp, and many have developed connections with others in other countries which provides a chance for ongoing communication in English.

In the choir’s recent Autumn Concert there was a large amount of English content in the musical selections; spirituals, Broadway musical and jazz. The texts of the songs were presented during English classes which enhanced my students’ appreciation and understanding during the performance.

My students and I continue to be grateful for your support.

With every blessing,

Brian Johnston


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