Our 2nd Wedding…

Joel & Rebecca wedding photo

When a church in Canada decides to raise funds to support a ministry they do a number of familiar events; spaghetti supper, car wash, bake and rummage sale, auctions, bazaar, etc… Not so in Malawi.

This year, 4 choirs (80 people in total) from Kachere church, where we attend, are raising funds for a choir trip to Zambia. Their proposal… A ‘Mock’ Wedding. I think you see where this is going. Yep, Rebecca and I were approached to participate in this fundraiser, so this past Sunday we renewed our vows; Malawi Style!

It started with Rebecca being fitted with a wedding dress, followed up by a wedding rehearsal on Friday night. Then on the Sunday, in place of the regular service, we had a full on wedding. We were picked up in decorated cars, had wedding attendants decked out in red & white (in honor of Canada), stand- in parents, legal questions, vows, rings, 3 ministers present and about 800 guests! Following the ceremony we left the church and then re-entered for the reception.

So how does this raise money you ask??? Well, at wedding receptions in Malawi, instead of bringing gifts people ‘perekani‘ (chichewa for ‘shower‘) the bride and groom with money while they dance. For our ‘Mock wedding’, all money raised (over $1,500 CDN – approx 6x the Sunday collection for the church) went to help with the expenses for the upcoming choir trip. So for the next three hours, there was speeches, caking cutting, dancing and lots of ‘showering’!

When we were first asked to participate we did not really know what we were getting into. In the end we had lots of fun and the kids thought it was hilarious! We now have the distinction of having been married in both Canada and Malawi.

This year has been filled with lots of adventure – and sometimes confusion on our part in some unfamiliar activity! – and this past Sunday was yet another example.

See video of pictures and videos of the big day:

Joel & Rebecca wedding photo


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