Safe and Sound

Members of the YIM Team are pictured here with David Martey, Admissions Director for the Ramseyer Lay Training Centre in Abetifi, Ghana. This centre is one of 4 sponsored by Presbyterians Sharing.

We landed safely in Ghana on Sunday evening and were warmly greeted by PCG ESR Staff Esther and our fearless driver Kwame. We have been having some internet troubles while here so that is why we have been delayed in posting. We hope to get better connections soon but for now our posting and access will be limited. We are currently in Abetifi at the Ramseyer Lay Training centre, one of 4 centres in Ghana supported by your gifts to Presbyterians Sharing, and are on our way up to Tamale in the morning and onto Gambaga and Garu to visit Presbyterian World Service and Development programs in those areas beginning Friday.

Everyone is adjusting to the time difference and the heat well and we look forward to more posts in the coming days. Stay tuned…..


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