PCC-GA Moderator’s Trip to Taiwan

July 8-20, 2017 I had the privilege and pleasure of guiding Rev Peter Bush (Moderator of the PCC’s 2017 General Assembly), his wife Debbie and my wife Mary Beth around Taiwan. We visited some of my indigenous coworkers in south Taiwan and on the east coast, as well as Hakka and Taiwanese friends in Taipei and Tamsui.


This was Peter’s first visit ever to Taiwan. He brought his love for God and all people, his love for the Church and its mission, and his love for learning and history. During and after the visit, Peter reflected on many things he experienced in this short time. The result is a series of observations, impressions, reflections and photos. I warmly recommend that you take some time to read and enjoy Peter’s 10-part report under the title “Moderator’s Trip to Taiwan” at:


For those of you who can read Chinese characters, you can find Peter’s sermon on “The Reconciliation of All Things” at this PCT link:



Thank you, Peter and Debbie, for your keen interest in God’s mission in Taiwan. You were wonderful traveling companions. And thanks to the PCC for making it possible for me and Mary Beth to accompany you.


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