Flooding Crisis in Malawi Continues

This picture comes from our friend Fai Furney who mourns the loss of a friend and neighbour killed by a flash flood while trying to get candles in the night.

The coming days hold some threat. I can’t find the weather bulletin at the moment but essentially there is another storm coming across Mozambique and it will hit the southern region again. The rains aren’t supposed to last as long but they are potentially heavy.

You can donate to help here.

Finally, I think it is important for people to realize that while the flooding is isolated, the damage done to houses is widespread and extensive. At every organization I am in contact with people have either lost homes or immediate family members have. For example, at TEEM, one staff lost a home, another had three siblings lose a home, another had an elderly aunt lose a home, and yet another had a child lose a home. By losing a home I mean that the foundation gave way so a wall collapsed. Or a roof was inadequate and the walls got wet enough that they gave way. Or the roof gave way and the dirt floor flooded leading to the base of walls giving out. At times it is only one section of a house but it makes the rest insecure and open to the environment.

On Thursday I will go into Ndirande with Hamilton Banda to see damage done in one of the poorest areas of Blantyre. Latrines seem especially vulnerable which only makes the chances of cholera outbreak even greater.


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