
Building in Malawi

When I speak on a given Sunday in Canada, there may be a distraction on occasion – nothing intentional, just a subtle thing that can trip up your train of thought. A person fumbling with a candy wrapper (for the record, I believe it is better to just open it quickly, sort of like taking off a Band-Aid… going slow is way more painful – but sorry I digress) or a fidgety child, which is totally cool as we love to see kids and families in church. But as I am now back in Malawi, I realize those don’t even register in terms of distractions. This past Thursday, I was at Makande Prison (see picture). Part of my role this year in Malawi is in assisting the Prison Chaplin. So every Thursday we take the 1hr drive south to visit this ‘farming prison’ (this is a key detail). Makande is a prison for those nearing the end of their sentence, they are initiating a new program where they teach inmates working skills, like farming, so that when they are released they have a skill in order to find work. Part of my time each week is in leading a Bible Study. This past week all was going well until a bit of a scene developed, nope no crinkling of a candy wrapper, it was two goats chasing each other around the room, jumping on each other and bleating. Yah, needless to say I had lost rapt attention of the inmates!

Jumping ahead to this past Monday. The church where I am the Associate pastor is holding a 7 day outdoor revival in the market place of Ndirande (the community in which the church is located). Think – lots of singing, dancing, and very enthusiastic preaching all with the intention of reaching out in the community for Christ. Well, I was the opening speaker. (Don’t forget, this is in the market – where the hub of life is occurring). Part way through my message I couldn’t help but notice, a guy carrying a twin bed through the crowd on top of his head. I don’t think I said it, but the thought that ran through my mind was ‘you have got to be kidding me!!’ Well, that was just the beginning as moments later an entire china cabinet was being moved by two guys, and yep, you guessed it, on the tops of their heads. Before long a couch and chairs went through as well. The amazing thing was that no one else hardly even took notice! It is, after all, a common occurrence… just not usually while I am preaching.

I suppose the take away for me, is that there is likely few things that will distract or bother me when I return to Canada. (and yes you can take that as a challenge Ryan Graham!)

Outdoor revival in the market place of Ndirande


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