Roma Ministry in Nagydobrony

Julius is our always-smiling colleague, a teacher in the Roma kindergarten of Nagydobrony, Transcarpathia, Ukraine. In 2015, with support from Presbyterians Sharing , they were able to expand and put a new roof on the Roma kindergarten building (as seen in the photos of David and Julius). This building is also used by the Roma congregation of Nagydobrony for their meetings.

Julius and David

Julius and David

Julius is 44 years old, married and has five children. He was born into a Hungarian-speaking Roma family where his Christian mother read the Bible to her children in the evenings. Julius was brought up knowing about God’s love but it took a long time before he would answer God’s call. Julius married at an early age and became a father, but chose unconventional methods to provide for his family and was put in prison. “I was praying there but I did not know God yet,” he remembers.

When he was released in 2000, Gizella and Jenő started to give Bible lessons for the Roma community. Gizella is a passionate Christian woman who was among the first to “minister” to the members of the Roma community in Nagydobrony. Jenő is a member of the Roma community who often took on leadership roles when neither a pastor nor a missionary were available to lead worship services or Bible studies.

Julius was among the first ones who answered God’s call and with his newly-changed life he was eager to serve the Lord in his community. “I was happy to accept the request to serve as the worship leader of the community on Sundays and to be the kindergarten teacher for little children on weekdays,” shares Julius. “I am thankful to God for David who continuously supports us by maintaining the building, purchasing firewood and helping us give warm meals to the little ones.”

We who witness his life praise Jesus for the gift that has been given through His smiling servant to the Roma community of Nagydobrony.

Julius, his helpers and the children in the kindergarten

Julius, his helpers and the children in the kindergarten


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