Warm Winter Greetings

Lg and Chen Kuan-chouGreetings from historical Tamsui, in northern Taiwan.

What a wonderful, warm January we are having here in northern Taiwan! It contrasts with the daily reports of the weather extremes in Canada. When I step outside the door of my office, I enjoy the bright sunshine and balmy temperatures. The camellia bushes are in full bloom. The cheery sounds of children playing in the elementary school yard fill the room.

My task here remains the same: the transcription and translation of the original Canadian Reports of the North Formosan Mission from its inception to 1923. I spend my days in front of the computer checking and re-checking details, discussing appropriate translations of peculiar expressions used over a hundred years ago with my colleague in my limited Mandarin Chinese. I am constantly discovering fresh information about the development of mission policy, theory and practice as the Canadian Church grew and expanded in Taiwan.

Oxford County has become involved in a special way with the missionary work of George Leslie MacKay. Dr. William Butt and his wife Karen of London, Ontario, were commissioned to write and produce a stage play about his life, and were here last spring to learn all they could about him. The production, which will take place in Woodstock, Ontario, promises to be quite interesting. I am hoping to hear good reports from those of you in Canada who can attend this performance.

The historical records we are working on involve the educational, medical and evangelical work of the Church in North Formosa. In November a joint dedication service was held to consecrate this work to the glory of God.

I continue to live here on the campus of the Tamkang High School, and although I am not formally involved with the school at this time, I am in daily contact with students and teachers.

I want to thank all the good folk in Canada who sent Christmas greetings. Even with postage at such a price, I received so many welcome Christmas cards that it is impossible for me to respond to each and every one!


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