The Hakka Bible is Now Available Online

Dear Friends,

Great news! The Hakka Bible we spent nearly 30 years translating is now available online!
Please go to:

You can sign-in for free. Then you can look under “Bibles.” Find “Hakka.”

You can read the whole Bible (OT & NT) online for free. And you can listen to the audio NT online for free. I discovered it last night. How exciting to hear the voices of over 30 dear Hakka coworkers who taped the NT last summer! (There are a few small glitches in the written online text, but we are working with Hosanna to try to fix these as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience and prayers.)

Special thanks to God for: Hsu Su-chen at the Bible Society in Taiwan who first introduced us to Hosanna; the Hosanna technicians from the Philippines Rose & Toto who worked so hard every day for nearly 2 months; Rev Yap Mi-fi, Rev Phang Tet-kui, Angela and all the people who helped at Chung-lak Presbyterian Church, all the Hakka readers, praying friends and others. May God bless each one!

There are Apps for the Hakka Bible too. You can also download the audio NT (in MP3 format) to your computer for free and listen to it anytime or anywhere you like. (I downloaded my copy last night–it took a long time, about 3 hours since the files are so large.) So now you can read or listen to the Hakka Bible using your I-phone or I-pad or other mobile device, at home or on the road, etc…

I hope you can access the online Hakka Bible OK. Let me know how it goes and what you think. If it works OK for you, please help us share this exciting news with other Hakka churches and friends.

May God’s Word in Hakka be planted in people’s hearts and help change lives and society for the blessing of all and for the glory of God.

Your brother in Christ,

Some More News from Hosanna:

Faith Comes By Hearing is dedicated to making God’s Word in
audio freely accessible throughout the world, and you can join
millions of people who are listening to the Bible in over 650

Did you know we also offer a free mobile app called

With, you have access to
Audio Scriptures in over 650 languages [including Hakka & Taiwanese] – many with text – giving
you a missions tool like none other! In addition, you can watch
the JESUS film, and take advantage of the easy-to-follow Bible
listening programs. With tools to help you highlight, take
notes, and share verses on Facebook and Twitter, your Bible will
be with you everywhere you go!

Please take a moment and download the free app today.

Blessings to you from Faith Comes By Hearing


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