The PCT’s 59th General Assembly and New Bible Translations

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan invites our prayers for its 1250 churches over this Easter weekend, then April 22-25 when the PCT will hold its 59th annual General Assembly meeting. One of the main events will be to inaugurate a special Year of Indigenous Mission to support and encourage the 500+ Indigenous churches within the PCT. Celebrations will also be held in recognition of publications of: the Tsou New Testament; Drekay and Paiwan editions of the Book of Ruth; as well as Today’s Taiwanese Version of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs (Roman-Han edition).

Ruth 2:20

“The LORD has not stopped showing his kindness to the living or the dead.”

In Paiwan:

“A MALAILAING nakiljivak sakamaya tua valjualjut anan katua namacai anga a caucau,” aya.

In Drekay:

“Ku TAMATAMA kadrwa ku takaelane papia ki panianianiakeana si wapacainga ka umawmase ku takidremedremane ku vaga ku thalradhane.”



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