Amy Zavitz, Malawi

Amy ZavitzAmy Zavitz served as a Young Adult Intern in Malawi with our longstanding partner, The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in the Synod of Livingstonia, from July 13, 2015 – Apr 15, 2016. Amy, a recent graduate in Environmental and Resource Studies from the University of Waterloo, is excited to begin her work with the PWS&D-supported Livingstonia Synod AIDS Program, where she participated to monitor visits to the community, write case stories, edit reports and work on their website. During her 9-month internship that began July 13, 2015, she also had the opportunity to be involved in the work of the Synod of Livingstonia Development Program and the Ekwendeni Hospital AIDS Program.

Amy’s ministry is supported through our gifts to Presbyterians Sharing.

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