Learning Nepali and our “real work”

Learning Nepali and our “real work”

I think most of you know that we are sponsored here in Nepal by the Presbyterian Church in Canada and Mennonite Mission Network, but perhaps you are wondering if we are ever getting around to doing any "real work"!...

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There are No Borders among Friends

There are No Borders among Friends

In March 2020, I was recalled from Hungary due to the pandemic. Leaving behind the friends I had made among the refugee community at Kalunba was difficult. The Covid-19 situation is not improving, and I will need to be...

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MFH: Missionalary From Home

MFH: Missionalary From Home

I’ve found myself explaining what I do an awful lot these days. People are discovering that I live in the Ottawa area so assume that I must be done with my work in Malawi. If people think of missionalary...

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Ndirande Handicapped Centre

Ndirande Handicapped Centre

Nora Martin & Steve McInnis June 8, 2020 I thought I was finished writing about Malawi, but not so! There is one thing that I never wrote much about, and it's a project we were hoping to get more involved with....

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My sister, Lyca

My sister, Lyca

I have mentioned Lyca a number of times in my blogs, but today I want to talk more about her so you can understand why she has been so important to me. Lyca is one of the three volunteers...

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Quarantine, continued

Quarantine, continued

Nora Martin We are still here in the apartment in Toronto, waiting out the last days of quarantine. We really look forward to getting out of the apartment, even just for a quick run to the grocery store! We have prepared...

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Sudden Departure

Sudden Departure

On March 17th, I received the sad message from International Ministries that I was to return to Canada immediately, due to the escalating pandemic situation. It was dizzying, to frantically drop my newly settled life in Budapest and relocate...

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Life Stories in Kalunba

Life Stories in Kalunba

It's been three months since I started work at the Refugee Integration Center called Kalunba in the city of Budapest. I meet so many clients (refugees) every day at the centre. Here we see mostly refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan,...

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The Party is Over

The Party is Over

When we came to Malawi, we brought a lawn sign proclaiming in bold letters, “THE PARTY’S HERE.” The sign originated at a going away shindig in British Columbia, and we took it with us across Canada from BC to...

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We’re home!

We’re home!

Nora Martin This morning I received an email from a friend here in Ontario which made me truly feel that it's right and good to be home, rather than simply understanding the fact in my head. It was a picture...

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