Participating in the UBS 2016 Global Bible Translation Research & Development Workshop

Participating in the UBS 2016 Global Bible Translation Research & Development Workshop

For part of my training as a Bible Translation Adviser, I was invited to attend the United Bible Societies (UBS) 2016 Global Bible Translation Research and Development workshop in Antalya, Turkey, March 6-12. This was the first time in my...

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May Taiwan become a country blessed by God

May Taiwan become a country blessed by God

Dear Readers, Let me draw your attention to this happy news from the Moderator and the General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) entitled: "May Taiwan become a country blessed by God". Note also the appeal to partner churches...

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Remembering Adriu, a Drekay Bible Translator

Remembering Adriu, a Drekay Bible Translator

Sunday November 29, 2015. Ping-tung, Taiwan. The Drekay Bible translation team asked me to preach today at Laladhengane / Mei-yuan美園 / Beautiful Garden Presbyterian Church. My friend and coworker Rev Pelenge (陳松得牧師 General Secretary of the Drekay Presbytery) translated my...

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The PCT’s 150th Mission Anniversary Celebration and Indigenous Worship in Tainan

The PCT’s 150th Mission Anniversary Celebration and Indigenous Worship in Tainan

Tainan, Taiwan – Sunday, October 25, 2015 – Dressed in their traditional colours, indigenous people by the hundreds walked joyfully into the stadium at Chang-rung High School carrying baskets of millet, fruit and vegetables as thank offerings to God and...

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Proverbs is published in eight languages (April 9, 2015)

Proverbs is published in eight languages (April 9, 2015)

Dedication and Thanksgiving Worship Service Eight versions of the book of Proverbs were dedicated on April 9, 2015 during a multilingual worship service at the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan's General Assembly meeting at Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei. Each version...

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Easter Sunday April 5, 2015. The PCT’s 150th Mission Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship Service

Easter Sunday April 5, 2015. The PCT’s 150th Mission Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship Service

15,000 Presbyterians gathered together on 復活節 Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 to praise our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We filled the Lin-kou sports stadium with the sounds of a symphonic orchestra, a combined church choir of 400...

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Bible Translation Update — from my 2014 Annual Report to the PCC

Bible Translation Update — from my 2014 Annual Report to the PCC

On Easter Sunday April 5, 2015, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) will celebrate the 150th anniversary of modern Christian mission work in Taiwan. Soon after English Presbyterians arrived in the south (1865) and Canadian Presbyterian George Leslie Mackay...

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In Memory of Hakka Elder 廖德添 Liau Tet-thiam

In Memory of Hakka Elder 廖德添 Liau Tet-thiam

Today I heard the news that my dear friend and co-worker Elder Liau Tet-thiam passed away. He died peacefully on April 30, 2014 at the age of 95. We knew each other for 30 years. When I first met Elder...

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The PCT’s 59th General Assembly and New Bible Translations

The PCT’s 59th General Assembly and New Bible Translations

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan invites our prayers for its 1250 churches over this Easter weekend, then April 22-25 when the PCT will hold its 59th annual General Assembly meeting. One of the main events will be to inaugurate...

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Peaceful End to Students’ Occupation of Legislative Yuan

Peaceful End to Students’ Occupation of Legislative Yuan

On Thursday April 10, the several hundred university students who had taken over Taiwan's Legislative Yuan and occupied it for 24 days left the building peacefully. (For more details please see: One of their principal demands was partly achieved...

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