An Unusual Autumn Concert

An Unusual Autumn Concert

  As the leaves began to change their colours and they said goodbye to the trees that held them, the students went back to the institutes they study in, being completely ready for a new and unpredictable year. At the...

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English language program continuing well

English language program continuing well

The English language program in our institute is continuing well. This year we welcomed 20 new students and there is a much higher ratio of women. In their first two years, students are required to study a foreign language, either...

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Visitors from Canada

Visitors from Canada

Saturday June 1st was a very special day for my students. We had 13 visitors from Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, Ontario, and I asked them to participate in a special meeting with the students. Each of the Knox members was...

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Glorifying God through Song

Karikas Orsolya is a second year theological student at the Theological Seminary of the Hungarian Reformed Church in Romania, and a member of the school’s girls’ choir. She shares, “I am happy that I am one of the members of...

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A Special Christmas Service

A Special Christmas Service

I was very happy to participate with my good friend and pastor Tokes Attila in leading the special children’s Christmas Service in Geges, Romania. First Attila read the passage of ‘The Three Magi’ focusing on their gifts to Jesus, and...

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Serving God through Music

Serving God through Music

The following article was written by Józsa Bertalan, 3rd year student at the Protestant Theological Institute, Cluj, Romania, and a member of Brian Johnston’s choir. -------------- On the 28th of October, 2012 the Male Choir of the Protestant Theological Institute had...

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Going Home

Going Home

Before I left for Canada in early May this year, I organized a special Spring Concert in my institute. I invited for the first time the Hungarian Pedagogical Choir of Cluj to participate. Three soloists from the local opera...

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New Piano

New Piano

In early February, nine choir members from the institute’s male choir and myself had a super excursion to two villages close to Beius/Belenyes in the Western Carpathian area of Romania. We arrived in the first village just in time...

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The Gift of Music

The Gift of Music

I am always inspired to continue to be in communication with many Presbyterians across Canada through the PCC’s website. My work as lay missionary in Romania is continuing well. In October we welcomed many new students and I was able...

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Music and Hospitality

Music and Hospitality

Dear friends, I am pleased to report that nine choir members from the Institute’s male choir and I had a super excursion to two villages, close to Beius/Belenyes in the Western Carpathian area of Romania. We arrived in the first village...

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