Mass Wedding

Mass Wedding

My day started with me arriving at the church at 630am to assist in my first wedding. Now to those of us living in the West, a 630am wedding seems crazy. We are used to more of an afternoon...

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Tidzalerana ‘Handicapped’ Club

Tidzalerana ‘Handicapped’ Club

Tidzalerana means 'we care for one another'. This PCC-funded project reaches out to some of the most vulnerable members of the Ndirande community – those with disabilities - many of whom are already living in poverty and have very...

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When I speak on a given Sunday in Canada, there may be a distraction on occasion - nothing intentional, just a subtle thing that can trip up your train of thought. A person fumbling with a candy wrapper (for...

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We are currently in the midst of Strawberry season in Malawi. It is wonderful. Fresh, plump, juicy, organic strawberries are being sold by street vendors all over the city. In the downtown core, there are men selling their wares...

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Getting Settled….

Getting Settled….

Well, we are 6 weeks into our year-long African adventure. The time has flown by already! We already feel very settled into life here - having lived here for 3 years before, not too much has changed. The kids...

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Reflections on Malawi

Reflections on Malawi

Isn't it amazing how we notice, really notice, our surroundings when things are unfamiliar? This is our third week in Malawi, Africa. Although we lived here 8 years ago, it's long enough that everything seems new again. Our three...

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Kachere CCAP (Church of Central Africa Presbyterian)

Kachere CCAP (Church of Central Africa Presbyterian)

WOW...6 hours of church on our first day! We had a wonderful day (albeit long) at our first church service. We REALLY loved the singing and dancing. We certainly need to take some lessons back to Canada about how...

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I've been amazed at how well the kids have done so far. We've been in our house 1 day and Isaac ventured outside the gate and found some neighbourhood children to play with. I'm humbled by his ability to...

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First night!!

First night!!

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On our way…Aug 11th, 2015

On our way…Aug 11th, 2015

We were excited and nervous for our 14 hour flight to Ethiopia and another 5 hours on to Blantyre, Malawi! Here we are packed with our 10 bags for the year and ready for the long flight.

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