Ndirande Handicapped Centre

Ndirande Handicapped Centre

Nora Martin & Steve McInnis June 8, 2020 I thought I was finished writing about Malawi, but not so! There is one thing that I never wrote much about, and it's a project we were hoping to get more involved with....

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My sister, Lyca

My sister, Lyca

I have mentioned Lyca a number of times in my blogs, but today I want to talk more about her so you can understand why she has been so important to me. Lyca is one of the three volunteers...

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Quarantine, continued

Quarantine, continued

Nora Martin We are still here in the apartment in Toronto, waiting out the last days of quarantine. We really look forward to getting out of the apartment, even just for a quick run to the grocery store! We have prepared...

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We’re home!

We’re home!

Nora Martin This morning I received an email from a friend here in Ontario which made me truly feel that it's right and good to be home, rather than simply understanding the fact in my head. It was a picture...

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Going Home

Going Home

Steve McInnis Another week and our topsy turvy world is more the same. Two weeks ago, Nora and I were looking forward to a Canadian visitor over the Easter break and now we are starting to get anxious about being...

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Sad news

Sad news

Nora Martin It is with a heavy heart that I report that we are cutting short our time here in Malawi and coming home, as of March 24. It has not been an easy decision, either for us or for...

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Wednesday’s trip to the prison

Wednesday’s trip to the prison

Steve McInnis We had a typical trip to the prison this week. But, it started with a photo of a couple of little birds cooing on the razor wire. I used my cell phone, so the picture quality isn’t too...

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God is good all the time!

God is good all the time!

Nora Martin Some of you were asking if the escort I got into the prison indicated that it was not a safe place. This week our friendly guard told us to phone him when we get to Chichiri and he...

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Anti Climax in Africa

Anti Climax in Africa

Steve McInnis When I returned on Monday, they gave me an all-new class to teach, Form 2 Mathematics. The head master asked me a couple of weeks ago if I would teach this class, and I said sure, give me...

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Independence, step by step

Independence, step by step

Nora Martin This week we have been making our way into the prison without an escort. They all know us now, know that we are teachers at the school, so they open the doors for us to get in without...

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