MFH: Missionalary From Home

MFH: Missionalary From Home

I’ve found myself explaining what I do an awful lot these days. People are discovering that I live in the Ottawa area so assume that I must be done with my work in Malawi. If people think of missionalary...

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The Party is Over

The Party is Over

When we came to Malawi, we brought a lawn sign proclaiming in bold letters, “THE PARTY’S HERE.” The sign originated at a going away shindig in British Columbia, and we took it with us across Canada from BC to...

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Coronavirus When There is No Health System

Coronavirus When There is No Health System

  I’m struggling with social media right now. More than normal. My timeline is filled with North Americans and Europeans who can only think of one thing – Covid-19/coronavirus. My Malawian feed is filled with the normal irrationality that is...

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Obadiah, Chichiri Prison and Theological Education

Obadiah, Chichiri Prison and Theological Education

Obadiah: Prophet Against Edom Obadiah is a strange little book of the Bible, seldom referred to and almost never preached from. Given this, I was surprised when I arrived at Chichiri maximum security prison to discover about 30 prisoners had...

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Our Friends and Ancestors Live in Books

Our Friends and Ancestors Live in Books

One of the roles that I play at Zomba Theological College (ZTC) is the Director of Research and Educational Quality Assurance (DREQA). I’m a bit ambivalent about the role because I have been given the task of ensuring that...

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Responding to Cyclone Idai: Relief and Prayer

Responding to Cyclone Idai: Relief and Prayer

She sat beside me looking beautiful. Her skin was dark and smooth, smile gorgeous, teeth bright white. Her clothing was old, and nothing matched. But she looked so strong and elegant. And it all felt completely incongruous. This mother...

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Pay Attention: Cyclone Idai and Maundy Thursday

Pay Attention: Cyclone Idai and Maundy Thursday

  Attention has shifted past Cyclone Idai. The news stream has flowed on. SNC Lavalin. The burning of Notre Dame. The (non)release of the Mueller report. There is always more news. There is always something different to focus on. Except here....

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Recovery Has Begun – Malawi Flood Update

Recovery Has Begun – Malawi Flood Update

We are thankful for all the people who have been praying for us and for Malawi, and for all the donations that people have made to help flood victims. If you want to help, you can donate here. Our family...

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Update on Malawi Floods Two Weeks In

Update on Malawi Floods Two Weeks In

Thanks for the personal messages we have received over the past few weeks. Our family is fine. Blantyre, the city we live in, is very close to the impact area but is much higher and therefore not subject to...

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It’s Not All Bad: Flooding in Malawi

It’s Not All Bad: Flooding in Malawi

  Our blog posts over the past weeks have been heavy and maybe depressing, so I felt it was time for a more optimistic post. It’s not all bad. For one, the rains that were foretasted last weekend didn’t amount to much...

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