Rain Damage in Blantyre

Rain Damage in Blantyre

Malawi has a very large rural population so it is understandable that most of the relief efforts will focus there. Here in Blantyre, a city of just under a million people, there are still many problems and challenges. I...

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Flooding Crisis in Malawi Update

Flooding Crisis in Malawi Update

By the numbers today: UPDATE ON #MalawiFloods2019 as of Tuesday, 12th March: 56 deaths & 577 injuries have been recorded. 3 people are missing. 184,589 households (approximately 922,945 people) have been affected & 16,545 households (approximately 82, 725 people) have...

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Flooding Crisis in Malawi Continues

Flooding Crisis in Malawi Continues

The coming days hold some threat. I can’t find the weather bulletin at the moment but essentially there is another storm coming across Mozambique and it will hit the southern region again. The rains aren’t supposed to last as...

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Flooding Crisis in Malawi

Flooding Crisis in Malawi

March 2019 There's an image that has been making the rounds on social media. It is a bridge that we have crossed a number of times. It is the main way in and out of the southern regions of Malawi....

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Mentoring Doctoral Students

Mentoring Doctoral Students

A part of my role at Zomba Theological College is to mentor three doctoral students. These are my colleagues who have been selected to study at the University of Aberdeen. Those who have earned doctorates know how challenging it...

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Malawian Envy

Malawian Envy

Life isn’t fair. My kids remind me of this frequently, especially when it relates to how much dessert they did or didn’t get. I can relate. I’m a twin, and as a child I often felt that it wasn’t...

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God Speaks Elomwe and Chichewa

God Speaks Elomwe and Chichewa

Last week was a busy one. I started teaching two Zomba Theological College classes, one on the minor prophets and the other on practical theology; I gave a talk about reading the Bible with youth to a group of...

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Never Too Old For Africa

Never Too Old For Africa

The picture above is Gibson. He is one of the stalwart volunteers at Ndirande Handicapped Center. Every Tuesday he bikes and walks around Blantyre, organizing and cajoling and just generally being useful to the community that the center serves....

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Women in Malawi

Women in Malawi

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Charles and Tidzalerana

Charles and Tidzalerana

Knocks at our gate are quite common. It serves as our front door and people come calling regularly. I normally have some difficulty answering the gate because frequently the visitor does not speak much English and I speak little...

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