In Honour of the Bible Translation Teams I Serve in Taiwan

In Honour of the Bible Translation Teams I Serve in Taiwan

紀念與肯定麥煜道牧師 在台灣協助聖經翻譯之團隊 On May 8, 2019, in honour and recognition of the Bible translation teams I serve in Taiwan, my alma mater Knox College conferred on me an honorary D.D. The announcement from the College reads: The Board of Governors of Knox...

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Taiwan Indigenous Bible Translation Projects 台灣原住民族語聖經翻譯計畫

Taiwan Indigenous Bible Translation Projects 台灣原住民族語聖經翻譯計畫

A Letter to: The PCT's Taiwan Church News / 台灣教會公報 From: Rev Paul McLean / 麥煜道牧師 Re: Taiwan Indigenous Bible Translation Projects /台灣原住民族語聖經翻譯計畫 Date: Monday April 1, 2019   Dear Friends,...

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Reading and Hand-Writing the Ngudradrekai Bible

Reading and Hand-Writing the Ngudradrekai Bible

"Sign-up today, pray, and prepare for Sunday June 3rd! Join everyone here at Alrisapesape Presbyterian Church, as we make our covenant with God and one another to read aloud and write out by hand our own new Ngudradrekai Bible!" I...

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Training Bible Translators in Taiwan

Training Bible Translators in Taiwan

An essential part of my work as a Translation Adviser (TA) in Taiwan is training indigenous Bible translators. Each of my six teams has members who have been translating the scriptures for over 10 years—some started over 50 years...

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PCC-GA Moderator’s Trip to Taiwan

PCC-GA Moderator’s Trip to Taiwan

July 8-20, 2017 I had the privilege and pleasure of guiding Rev Peter Bush (Moderator of the PCC's 2017 General Assembly), his wife Debbie and my wife Mary Beth around Taiwan. We visited some of my indigenous coworkers in...

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“Translating is Done, Reading Begins!” — Thanking God for the Ngudradrekai Bible

“Translating is Done, Reading Begins!” — Thanking God for the Ngudradrekai Bible

"Maelaanenge ki Twaumase!" (Thanks be to God!) Words repeated during the joyful 3-hour thanksgiving service for the publication of the Ngudradrekai Bible on July 11, 2017 at Kucapungane (好茶 Hau-tsa / Good Tea) Presbyterian Church in the mountain foothills...

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Going to Celebrate the Ngudradrekai Bible

Going to Celebrate the Ngudradrekai Bible

On July 11, 2017 the Ngudradrekai Presbytery and guests will celebrate and give thanks to God for their new Bible. The PCC is sending Rev Peter Bush (Moderator of the General Assembly), his wife Debbie (daughter of Rev James...

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Manias and Bunun Bible Translation

Manias and Bunun Bible Translation

I spent last week living in the town of Yuli. It's situated on the plain in the beautiful rift valley in eastern Taiwan. I was a guest in the home of my co-worker Rev Manias (Chang Yu-fa) and his...

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RE: Taiwan’s Aboriginal Language Development Act (原住民族語言發展法) passes third reading

RE: Taiwan’s Aboriginal Language Development Act (原住民族語言發展法) passes third reading

Dear Friends, Warm greetings from Taitung on the southeast coast of Taiwan. The past three weeks I've been working in partnership with the Paiwan, Amis and Bunun teams checking and adjusting their ongoing Bible translations. Over the next two weeks I...

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PCT Seminar for Indigenous Bible Translators, Oct 17-18, 2016 – 原住民族語聖經翻譯與審查講座

PCT Seminar for Indigenous Bible Translators, Oct 17-18, 2016 – 原住民族語聖經翻譯與審查講座

The Indigenous Mission Committee of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (台灣基督長老教會總會原住民宣教委員會) invited me to participate in an excellent 2-day seminar in New Taipei City. I joined with nearly 40 coworkers from nine indigenous Bible translation teams supported by the...

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