
“Quarantine Youth: Prayer” – Not just for youth!  Learn and re-learn the language of the kingdom of God with this 5 day devotional:

“Lead through prayer”  – Learn to bring prayer into the stressful moments of your day-to-day living with this 5 day devotional:

Make an advent wreath:

Advent devotions:

5 simple tips to help you read (and interpret) the Bible from Christianity Today

Worshiping at home

Organizing the Gospel of Matthew

Unleavened Communion Bread Recipe

“With a hand to the plough” sermon resources:

1. June 16: June Categorizing the Psalms

2. June 23: Wisdom and instruction

3. June 30: Praise

4. July 7: Petition and Lament

5. July 14: Trust

6. July 21: Thanksgiving

7. July 28: The end of it all