May 9, 2021

Reading the Beginnings through Resurrection Lenses: Faith Matters

Passage: Genesis 4; Hebrews 11

"We praise you O God" (#435 Book of Praise)

"How firm a foundation" (#685/686 Book of Praise

"Lord Jesus, you shall be my song" (#665 Book of Praise)


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2 Replies to “Reading the Beginnings through Resurrection Lenses: Faith Matters”

  1. This was a terrific sermon. Never had the story of Cain and Abel so well explained especially about Cain’s sons. Working a decade in a nursing home definitely showed the fortitude and peace of those with faith nearing death and their situation. Thank you for this. We needed to hear it. Peace.

  2. Thank you for this sermon, it i s one which we so dearly need. Faith and hope will see us through the hard times , I agree with the statement that those with faith do seem to survive illness and hard times because they have faith and know that God is with us through our trials and gives us the courage to sort things out .Moreover to accept our lot and deal with it constructively.

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