Orange Shirt Day – Sep. 30

September 30th is Orange Shirt Day and to help the community recognize this important day of awareness, you are invited to attend a couple online events. For a brief description of what Orange Shirt Day is about, visit We hope you will take some time to acknowledge this day and what it means for healing and reconciliation.

The PCC and Indian Residential Schools
From 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, we will be watching a video about the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s role in the residential school system followed by a brief discussion. We will also be viewing a short reflection about Orange Shirt Day by Vivian Ketchum whose mother attended a Presbyterian residential school.

Zoom Link:

Celebrating an Indigenous Harvest
Starting at 7:30 pm, One Burlington (a multi-faith organization) is hosting a celebration of the Indigenous harvest featuring:

  • Indigenous Elder of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Carolyn King CM.
  • Semiah Smith performing singing and dancing of the Mohawk Nation at Crawford Lake
  • Sherry Saevil of “Grandmothers’ Voice” of the Haudenosaunee at an Indigenous Healing Garden

To attend, please preregister by 29 September at: