

The vision of the establishment of a Nigerian congregation of the Presbyterian Church was first proposed during the visit of the Moderator of the 18th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. The Very Rev. Dr. Ubon B. Usung and the Principal clerk Rev. Ndukwe N. Eme as guests to the 2010 Presbyterian Church in Canada General Assembly. The Nigerian delegation spoke of the great need to have a Nigerian congregation of the Presbyterian Church to cater for the spiritual needs of Nigerian Presbyterians and others living in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). From their visits with Nigerians living here they heard of spiritual hunger for a church which could draw upon their linguistic, ethnic, and cultural heritage. The congregation would provide a spiritual home for Presbyterian Nigerians and others in GTA which would give them the flavor they remember from their home congregations. It was also acknowledged that for societal stability a church can often resolve problems arising from people experiencing life in a new country. The unique strands of this adjustment can be addressed through such supportive faith community.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria have a long existing partnership dating back to 1954. The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria’s Board of Personnel and training in its meeting of May 20, 2010 nominated the Rev Augustus Oku, a graduate of Knox College , Toronto school of theology, University of Toronto, who had been sponsored by the Presbyterian Church in Canada for his studies, to go to Canada to conduct his survey.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada invited The Rev Augustus Oku to spend three months in the GTA to conduct a survey of Nigerian residents here to ascertain the feasibility of establishing a Nigerian congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

The Survey was conducted between August 5, 2010 – October 30, 2010. At the end of the survey, the survey result was submitted to Canada Ministries of the Presbyterian Church in Canada who forwarded the survey to West Toronto Presbytery for consideration, since the survey fell within their bounds. Meanwhile, the researcher returned to Nigeria.

The West Toronto Presbytery through the Missions committee deliberated on the survey, and in the February meeting of 2011, gave approval for the establishment of the Nigerian Mission within her bounds. This decision was forwarded to Canada Ministries who in turn informed the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria on the development and requested for a Nigerian Minister to be posted to be in charge of the mission.

The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria posted the researcher, the Rev Augustus Oku, to continue where he stopped by becoming the first Nigerian Presbyterian Missionary to The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

The Rev. Augustus Oku arrived in May 25, 2010, and was received at The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada held at London, Ontario by the Moderator of the 137th General Assembly Rev. Dr. Rick Horst in June 7th 2011.

To the Glory of God, The Nigerian Presbyterian Mission in West Toronto, started fellowship in June 29th, 2011 with 10 members at Weston Presbyterian Church 11 Cross Street Toronto, by 2pm. Since then God has been faithful, and guiding us to reach the unreached in the Nigerian Community in the GTA. Today we are grateful to God for giving us a place that we can start our worship in the morning. The place we are gathering today.

On Sunday November 27th, 2011 West Toronto Presbytery officially recognized the mission and the Rev. Augustus Oku as the Minister responsible for the mission. The service was conducted by the Presbytery Moderator Rev. Dan Cho. The service was well attended by the Nigerian community and other guests. The Rev. Dr. Richard Fee, General Secretary Life and Mission Agency and former Missionary to Nigeria was the guest preacher. While Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Eld. Ed Robert, a retired minister and a former missionary to Nigeria were special guests.

During this period our activities included, worship service, Bible studies, Sunday school, midweek service, men and women groups, youth fellowship, prayer meeting, birthday and anniversary thanksgiving, and community outreach and support. By the Grace of God we had our first Holy Communion on Easter Sunday 2012 which was April 12.

Currently, we are able to assist the new Nigerian Presbyterian Immigrants to properly integrate into their new society. We also arrange and visit the aged within the community and give them the support they need, and encourage their children to be part of the church. We also arrange and attend events that have to do with the Nigerian Community. God has used us to make people happy, and put smile on their faces. Our goal is to build a congregation that is engaged with the wider world.

For the past one year we had welcomed the following visitors: the Rev. Uma Onwunta, the former principal clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria on September 25th, 2013, and Rev. Dr. Richard Fee. Rev. Arlene Onuoha, former missionaries to Nigeria, who was visiting a relation, heard about us and decided to visit us. Barr. Mrs. Effiom the chairperson of Akpabuyo local government in Cross River State, Nigeria, also visited us. They were all happy with what God is using us to do in Canada.

This mission has been properly registered as a charitable organisation. The members are covered by insurance. The Minister is registered and authorised to solemnise marriage in the province of Ontario. The mission has a CCLI to enable us print hymns for our services.

God has added to us in a special way. The new High commissioner to Canada and the wife are ruling elders of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. They were part of the decision to establish this mission. Again in the history of our church it is on record that Elder Ambassador Ojo Maduekwe was the first Presbyterian to be appointed ambassador to Canada. We are proud to be part of this history. In this our one year anniversary we have every reason to thank God.

To God be the Glory, Great things He has done. We have every reason to thank God for giving us the opportunity to serve in this capacity. We acknowledge the support and encouragement of Rev Dr. Richard Fee, Rev. Gordon Haynes, Rev. Karen Dimmock, Rev Daniel Cho, Rev. Ron Wallace, Rev. Joe Williams who were all actively involved in the establishment of this mission. We acknowledge the good work of the session members. God Bless you all. We are aware of the major challenges that we are facing in this society. God is always ready to help us, for apart from God we can do but nothing. The good Lord that started the good thing in us will take it to a successful end.

God bless you.