Sunday Worship

Our worship service begins at 8:30a.m. on Sunday mornings. The services are conducted in Nigerian/African Presbyterian Liturgy. You are permitted to express your worship to God the way you feel.
Visitors are always welcome. Praise and worship is a moment of celebration when we express our gratitude to God in songs andĀ  clapping of hands backed by instrumentation. We encourage the use of diverse ethnic languages in our praise and worship in recognition of the diversity in our congregation. We offer our prayers to God together.
All the hymns are printed both in the worship bulletin and on the power point projections. The worship atmosphere reflects the style of worship in the Presbyterian Churches in Nigeria. This helps theĀ  young ones experience the rich heritage of African Presbyterianism.

Currently, all our services are conducted online. Active participation by all congregants in the liturgy is encouraged at every worship session.