
In Psalm 16, we read the following words:
“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

We human beings seems to go to either extreme when it comes to pleasure. Some of us pursue it so that it becomes something we can’t live without; others of us believe it is worldly or sinful even to enjoy and find pleasure in something.

We live in a culture right now that exalts the pursuit of pleasure. We have people who pursue the God-given pleasure of food to the point of gluttony, the God-given pleasure of our human sexuality to the point of obsession, the God-given enjoyment of the outdoors and sport to the point of addiction.

God created everything. He is in all and he created it all through Jesus. And he created us as a people to enjoy pleasure. We are created to enjoy this world He made. To enjoy the pleasure of eating a good meal, the joy of competing in sports and the fulfillment in our human sexuality within marriage.

We were created to enjoy everything because everything was created to point us back to God. To help us remember that He is with us. And to remind us that as much as we find joy and pleasure in the created things on our paths of life in the here and now, we will find the most amazing and fulfilling pleasures with God forever in heaven.

Ministries and Events:
Osgoode Presbyterian Church joins together with the other Vernon churches at special times through the year to celebrate God’s goodness. Such times are Christmas Eve, Good Friday and summer worship services.

The Women’s Missionary Society meets the first Thursday of the month and aids the church in support of children in need around the world, giving financially to natural disasters and supporting the work of the Presbyterian Church in Canada throughout the world.

We also celebrate together with a Welcome back breakfast at the beginning of September and Community Worship at the Vernon Winter Festival the first Sunday in February.